Arkham Horror LCG: Top 10 Base Mystic Cards

Wendy here, ready to talk about Mystic class Top 10 Level Zero cards. Mystics make a great compliment to a scenario. This is a well-rounded class that can collect clues, deal damage, and hand out healing. Spell cards can take a while to come out, but when the right hand hits, a Mystic investigator really starts to shine.

10 – Moonlight Ritual

The Forgotten Age | Where Doom Awaits #267

Moonlight Ritual lets you remove doom from a card, and in a scenario where doom will make or break you this card really comes in handy.

9 – Arcane Studies

Core Set #62

This card is helpful with borderline skill checks. It is a high cost card, but sometimes you just need that success in a skill check.

8 – Wither

The Circle Undone | The Wages of Sin #157

Wither benefits bad chaos bag draws and also helps in battle. It is a perfect addition to any Mystic deck.

7 – Fearless

Core Set #67

I love a good healing card, especially when that card does not require resources to play.

6 – Clarity of Mind

The Dunwich Legacy #30

In the vein of healing cards, Clarity of Mind is multifaceted. You can heal one horror for free, or spend up to two resources to heal two more. This card comes in clutch when the chips are down and you need healing to continue the scenario.

5 – Ward of Protection

Core Set 65

This card lets you cancel the effects of a heinous Treachery card. It is low cost but can help you cancel an Encounter that could otherwise end the game.

4 – Premonition

The Forgotten Age | The Heart of the Elders #199

Have you ever noticed how you draw the same chaos token over and over? Has it ever been the red chutulu of death, causing you to fail over and over? Let me introduce you to my friend Premonition. This card lets you lock a chaos token until you choose to unlock it. When you draw a really bad chaos token and lock it in Premonition, it is basically removed from the game. If you draw a good chaos token, you have it in the hole for when someone really needs it, noting that it will not be in the bag for anyone else. To me, this card is worth the gamble every single time.

3 – Drawn to the Flame

Core Set #64

Drawn to the Flame allows you to gamble on an Encounter card in order to draw 2 clues. It takes a few rounds to get a vibe check from the Encounter deck, but once you get it, you will know when it is probably safe to draw the Encounter card. Two clues is a big grab and depending on your ability to defend yourself against an enemy and the way the Encounter deck is dealing, it is worth it.

2 – Hypnotic Gaze

The Dunwich Legacy | Essex County Express #153

This card has a high cost, but is totally worth it to me because it helps teammates under attack and can be an enemy killer.

1 – Ritual Candles

The Dunwich Legacy #29

This card forces a success in a space that failures normally occur. Ritual Candles basically makes all non-numbered chaos tokens a blue star, and who doesn’t love that, especially in those games where you constantly draw the skull token?


Arkham Horror LCG: Top 10 Base Rogue Cards


Arkham Horror LCG: Top 10 Base Survivor Cards