Arkham Horror LCG: Top 10 Base Rogue Cards

Wendy here with another top 10 list, this time looking at Top 10 Level Zero Rogue cards. The Rogue class is a lot like the Survivor class in that Rogue investigators are usually OK at everything but not great at anything; unlike the Survivor, it can take a few rounds to get a Rogue investigator really rocking and rolling. Leveling your deck with the right cards will boost the Rogue to the stratosphere, especially if you are willing to gamble big for big rewards.

10 – Intel Report

The Circle Undone | The Secret Name #111

Intel Report is a medium cost card that allows you to pick up a clue. Double the cost, and you can get 2 clues. That is a high cost for two clues, but when the time is right this card is the perfect one to have in your hand.

9 – Sneak Attack

Core Set #52

The beauty of this card is right there in the name. When you have an enemy that is exhausted after an attack or an evasion, Sneak Attack lets you slide in a deal 2 damage. This is not for every round every time, but when you will know when the time is right to use this card.

8 – Joey “The Rat” Vigil

The Dunwich Legacy | Where Doom Awaits #265

Joey has a high cost, but he brings 3 brain and 2 heart that he can divert from your character, which makes those resources well spent. Additionally you can pay a resource to use an extra card in your hand. If you have a lot of resources in your bank, Joey The Rat is a great ally to have on the board.

7 – .41 Derringer

Core Set #47

This is a medium cost weapon that will increase your Combat (fist) by two, and introduces the opportunity to deal +1 damage when you have a high success. This is a great asset to have in your hand.

6 – Decoy

The Circle Undone | Union and Disillusion #234

Decoy is similar to Intel Report, but instead of collecting clues you get to evade Non-Elite enemies. It is a medium cost card that allows you evade one Non-Elite enemy; double the resource spend to evade two Non-Elite enemies. Like Intel Report, this is not a card you will use every round of every game, but when you need it, you will be glad it is in your hand.

5 – Quick Thinking

The Dunwich Legacy | Undimensioned and Unseen #259

This card will give you an extra move if you have a big success on a skill check. What is better than a big skill check success? Getting a free extra move after you do!

4 – Backstab

Core Set #51

Backstab is a high cost card and the best friend of a Rogue investigator with a high Agility (foot) and a low Combat (fist). If you are successful, not only will you deal the damage from your Combat, you will also deal +2 damage. Amazing!

3 – Eavesdrop

The Forgotten Age #27

Eavesdrop is a no-brainer, especially if you are dealing with an easily evaded enemy and your Intellect (book) value is reasonable. Two clues for one resource is a great trade off.

2 – Decorated Skull

The Forgotten Age #26

A lot of the cards in a Rogue deck will be expensive, so getting resources is really important. Enter Decorated Skull. Anytime someone at your location dies, whether it be an enemy, ally, or fellow investigator, you get a charge, no matter who dealt the damage. Those charges can be traded as one of your three turns to give you a resource and a card. I hope this card comes out early and stays out for the entire game.

1 – Leo De Luca

Core Set #48

The Louisiana Lion is hands down my favorite Rogue card. This card costs 6 resources, which is hella expensive, but in exchange you get an extra turn every round. Every. Single. Round. I will take it all day long and twice on Sunday. Pair this guy up with Quick Thinking and you get FIVE turns in one round. What can you do that with five turns? The sky is the limit my friends!


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