Arkham Horror LCG: Top 10 Base Seeker Cards

Wendy here, and I feel like I should start this off with a full disclaimer that Seeker is my favorite class in both Arkham Horror LCG and the board game. It is odd for me to type that because normally when given a character class choice in a game, I will look for the class that hits the hardest, has the biggest explosions, and does the most damage and think, “That’s my guy right there!” Seeker is not that type of class at all.

What I love about the Seeker class is that they are designed to go around and suck up clues without much issue; clue collection is a critical part of Arkham Horror and that makes a good Seeker a crucial part of any campaign. It is a fun class to play, mostly skirting around enemies and advancing the game agenda with clues.

With all of that said, below is my list of basic Seeker cards that are always in my starting deck. These are based on the Core Set and the expansions we have played so far: Dunwich Legacy, The Forgotten Age, and The Circle Undone.

10 – Mind Over Matter

Core Set #36

In my mind, Seekers have one job: collecting clues. For that reason, they have a high Intellect (book) and usually a lower Combat (fist) and/or Agility (foot) score. Mind Over Matter is a low cost one time use card that allows you to use book in place of fist or foot. Rarely will this card come out of my hand early; I instead try to save it for when the clues are all collected and it is time to defeat an enemy or two to win the scenario.

9 – I’ve Got a Plan

The Dunwich Legacy | The Miskatonic Museum #107

Like Mind Over Matter, I’ve Got a Plan lets you use your book in place of fist. Unlike Mind Over Matter, it is a high cost card. Fighting usually is not the best use of a Seeker but sometimes you have to throw down. That is where this card really comes in clutch: you can land a pretty powerful punch on an enemy, especially if you have a clue or three up your sleeve since you can add +1 damage per clue you have when you land that punch. This card can take you from Dr. Bruce Banner to Hulk for 3 resources and sometimes that is just what a Seeker needs.’

8 – Medical Texts

Core Set #35

Medical Texts is the kind of gambling card I normally swerve away from, but it is perfectly tailored to a Seeker’s strong suit. You test book and either heal or deal damage to another investigator. Two book makes the level of risk super low and this card basically allows you to heal a teammate. When you come in with some healing, no one is mad.

7 – Mr. Rook

The Circle Undone | The Wages of Sin #153

Jeremy loves game theory and will tell you to use the cards that let you gamble and look at cards. I usually am more conservative, but am learning to appreciate those types of cards. Mr. Rook is no different and with a little strategy you can use him to work your deck like a pro. You can choose to look at 3, 6, or 9 cards; most decks are around 30 cards so you can choose to see up to a third of your deck at once. The drawback is that you risk finding one of your weaknesses, but leveraging the draw size based on your risk of finding a weakness is a perfect way to use Mr. Rook. Let’s say you have a weakness that is situational and you have a low risk of experiencing that situation (example: weakness causes you to lose all resources and you currently have zero) Mr. Rook can let you go ahead and pull that weakness when the damage is minimized.

6 – Seeking Answers

The Dunwich Legacy #23

Seeking answers is not a card I use in every scenario, but it is a card I always want in my hand. This card really shines if the adjacent location has a high shroud – even for Seekers some shrouds are crazy high – or has enemies that will engage with you.

5 – Dr. William T Maleson

The Dunwich Legacy | Lost in Time and Space #302

Dr. Maleson swings a really strong 1-2 punch. On one hand, he has 2 brain AND 2 heart, pretty high for an ally so he can take some hits for you as you adventure along. On the other, he can cancel a really gnarly encounter card.  Remembering that Seekers do not normally have a high fist, the ability to exchange a clue to avoid fighting a difficult enemy or a devastating treachery can really come in handy.

4 – Magnifying Glass

Core Set #30

Magnifying Glass is a typical Seeker card, giving you +1 book for as long as it is in your hand. This accelerates your game, especially if the card comes out early.

3 – Crack the Case

The Circle Undone | The Secret Name #110

The Secret Name is an awesome card in that it can help you grab resources, especially on the scenarios with extra high shrouds. The best part about this card? The resources it earns are for every Investigator in your location.

2 – Deduction

Core Set #39

Like Magnifying Glass, Deduction helps you gain extra clues. Accelerated clue collection helps the game move along and gives you the chance of success in a scenario.

1 – Dr. Milan Christopher

Core Set #33

What can I say about Dr. Christopher? He is the perfect ally. This Professor of Entomology is great at helping you pick up clues, and then he gives you a resource when you do. This is a high cost card, but he is worth every resource it takes to bring him into your hand. The earlier he comes out, the better for everyone.


Arkham Horror LCG: Top 10 Base Guardian Cards


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