Arkham Horror LCG: Organization and Game Upgrades

We play a lot of Arkham Horror LCG and will continue to until Frosthaven takes over as our campaign game for a while. We obviously enjoy playing and have a few upgrades that make playing easier. Today I am highlighting the ones we currently use. There are links at the bottom to everything featured here in case something sparks your interest. These are not affiliate links.

Arkham Horror Chaos tokens get a lot of use and I did not want the constant transfer of oil from our hands to the wooden tokens to cause them to fade. I looked online and found that using 25mm coin capsules are perfect for the tokens. There is debate about whether 25 or 27mm should be used. 25mm covers are tight fitting around the tokens, but can damage the tokens when you remove them. 27mm tokens do not cause damage when removing but are bigger than the tokens and therefore the tokens move around inside them. Ultimately I chose 25mm and just break the smaller cover when I need to remove the token. I bought 200 of them on Amazon for around $12 and we have them to spare. Occasionally one will break or come loose and I just replace it when that happens. So far these have served us very well.

I sleeve everything and at the start of each campaign I usually buy 600 new sleeves to get me through. I do not use heavy sleeves, just basic inexpensive lightweight plastic ones and they work just fine for us.

We also bought these player mats from Strata Strike on Etsy. They are a real game changer! The mats instantly made our play areas look a lot better, and the damage tracker is very useful. The player card space is big enough to accommodate a sleeved card which is also really appreciated. I will never play Arkham without these player mats again!

I picked up these card holders on Etsy as well. We have one for the Agenda deck, Encounter deck, and one each for our personal decks. It keeps the cards for spreading out across the table and helps me keep track of how my deck is performing since I can easily distinguish between my unplayed and played cards.

We 3D printed these directional arrows after seeing someone post something similar on social media. They help us keep track of how to travel around the different location.

Probably the biggest game changer for us was this game box.

It is big enough to house all Arkham existing scenarios, and currently houses five of them with lots of room to spare. It also makes it easy to travel with Arkham since everything is one place together. We have one for LOTR LCG too!

I keep the Encounter sets from the base and our current campaign on the far left, completed agendas and basic weaknesses on the far right, and old campaigns in the middle. That keeps everything separated and easy to manage.

I used deck boxes before I bought this and it was a nightmare. Nothing was ever where it needed to be and heaven forbid you needed to dig out something from an old scenario.

I really love the details that go on the box too. It wasn’t needed but it makes it so much prettier.

I bought the dividers off Etsy. They are high quality prints and are laminated so they can stand up to lots of use. You can also print you own, which I did when we moved to the card storage boxes since I needed horizontal dividers instead of vertical.


Chaos Token Covers -

Card Sleeves -

Player Mats - This is a link to the entire shop, not the mat because the entire shop is amazing!

Card Holders -

Game Box -

Directional Arrows -

Dividers - Printed -

Dividers - DIY - This designer has made these cards for all Fantasy Flight LCG so I am linking to the overall page.


Arkham Horror LCG: Top 10 Base Neutral Cards


Concept Art Spotlight: Revolutionary Etchings