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In Development Now

How does an evil overlord test their devious dungeon? They send their minions to run through it.

Stumbling Blocks is a real-time racing game for 2 – 6 players with betting and hand management.

In Stumbling Blocks, you and the other evil overlords race your minions through a dungeon full of deadly traps and bet on who will win. Each round, players add traps and obstacles to the dungeon. Then each player, controlling one minion, races through the dungeon in an attempt to get to the end before the timer runs out.

Players “ante up” by adding tokens to the prize pool. Each player who makes it to the end of the dungeon splits the prize equally. But if you’re the only player who makes it, you take the entire pool.

The dungeon starts fairly simple. But gets more difficult as traps are added each round. The first player to collect ten victory tokens wins.

Designed by: Jeremy and Wendy Henderson